Art Gallery International of developmental age

via Disciplina, 60

25086 Rezzato (BS) – Italy
tel · fax +39 030 279 2086

PinAC is a precious art good belonging to Rezzato, to the district of Brescia and to the Italian nation. In Europe it is a unique collection of this kind, it is widely international and represents a symbolic bridge with the children and the people worldwide. It is a historic collection of children’s drawing, started in the 1950s and founded by Aldo Cibaldi. It tells the emotions, the feelings, the thoughts and the hopes of thousands of children.
It is a dynamic, international museum that collects, classifies and analisesthe creative forms of expression of children from different countries, a vital collection organising exhibitions and promoting meetings.
It is a real testimony of the right to creative expression and approach to artfor all children and interested adults, a research centre of the children’s ways of drawing that takes into consideration also the “electronic brushes” offered by new technologies.
It is a centre for creativity where people learn to discover and respect the rights of all mankind, each nation with its peculiar artistic and cultural characteristics, a centre of experiments that belongs to the local web of services and cooperates with the different school levels, in order to offer a wide education system.

pinac2It collects, analyses and classifies the drawings expressing children’s creativity, and cooperates with the schools and the associations that are interested in spreading the culture coming from childhood and its vision of the world.

It promotes the approach of children, boys and girls, to art and creative expression; with the help of public and private associations it organises topic exhibitions and happenings that illustrate its historic collection and analise childhood’s ways of expression.
It offers teachers and educators training programmes for aesthetic and intercultural education.
It promotes and organises meetings and atéliers for parents, teachers and curious adults, in order to develop artistic and expression talent at any age and favour the approach to different forms of art.

Opening Hours:
From Tuesday to Friday: 9:30 to 12:00
Saturday and Sunday: 9.30-12.00 and 15.00-18.00
Closed Monday
Other times by appointment
Office Hours:
From Tuesday to Thursday: 9:00 to 13:00
