The Mille Miglia Museum

Mille Miglia Museum was opened to public on 10th November 2004, it is located inside the Monastery of Sant’Eufemia, a magnificent architectonic group of buildings just outside Brescia. The route is divided into 9 temporal sections: seven areas are dedicated to the Mille Miglia races from 1927 to 1957, one area dedicated to the Mille Miglia races from 1958 to 1961 and one dedicated to contemporary Mille Miglia. In each area the visitor will find descriptive panels about history, costumes, political and social events, all enriched by audiovisual installations, photographs and a series of screens showing films of the past editions of the Mille Miglia and its protagonists. Several ancient cars are exhibited in the museum area and often changed when they are used to participate to important sport shows with historical cars. The Mille Miglia Museum appears as an exhibition building with a great architectonic value, where the public can follow the historical and physical Mille Miglia route along Italy, passing through all the regions and cities which symbolize this historical race. The route is traced by a red colored path which decorates the floor, snaking throughout the exhibition rooms. Lastly the visitor will have the opportunity to visit the rarest and most significant collections dedicated to the Mille Miglia race in the surprising location of the ancient stables.
How to find the Museum: the museum is located in the former Monastery of S. Eufemia, founded in,1008. The area of S. Eufemia lies in the Eastern part of the city Brescia, on the State road 45Bis “Gardesanana Occidentale”, Viale della Rimembranza is located between Via Indipendenza and Via della Parrocchia.

Museo Mille Miglia | Brescia, S. Eufemia, Viale della Bornata, 123 –

tel.030.3365631 – fax 030.3366411 – –

Museum is opened every day 10-18

Guided tours in italian and english.